Saturday, December 19, 2009

Task 5 again

As this final idea progessed, we became more and more interested in developing a system to emulate a natural biological experience. The design was supposed to incorporate elements of the built environment we all know and love, as well as elements of a natural biological experience beginning to emerge through this built up world. The structure plays the role of the built environment, and the acrylic sheeting emulates an amoeba like form which could be experienced under a microscope. Here are some concept drawings done by Dave and I:

Dave and I were in charge of creating the form. We used Digital Project to help create a more sound and coherent design by setting up parameters to work within, as well as using them to our advantage. The overall design was to be 6feet tall by 8feet wide, with the potential to swing forward and backwards to agitate the IV bags of bioluminescent algae. In order to fabricate the 1/4" acrylic purchased for these sections I got to learn how to use the CNC router, which was very exciting. The University has a fantastic fabrication lab, and I was glad to be able to utilize it for a project of my own. Here are some fabrication images of the acrylic:\

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